I was reading a great article the other day that shared ways to keep up with bloggin ideas and topics to continue to post on your website. The article shared about how to set one day a week as the day that you will do your topics of interest. List them out and add anything random that comes to mind. Once you have your list created circle the ones that most interest you and do some online research and gather some links from articles and supportive data around your subject. Then once this is complete you can begin posting your favorite story and will have a weeks worth of content to keep you going.
Some people blog once a day, some blog once a week. I've seen many websites that don't get back to their blog for several months. It's kinda like a good book, if you find one your really interested in you will finish it within a few days but if it doesn't interest you then you might not ever finish it. Keep to topics that interest you and you will have your typing free flowing as your ideas continue to be something that touches a key to your message you want to share. Here are a few links to some people that give suggestions on what to blog about... http://www.chrisbrogan.com/100-blog-topics-i-hope-you-write/ http://freeblogplace.com/2011/05/21/how-to-get-interesting-topics-for-your-blog-posts/ http://bestbloggingtipsonline.com/weekly-free-blog-topics-at-for-bloggers-by-bloggers-2/
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September 2020