Developing Your Marketing Plans can be easy with a system in place! 5 Tips to Help you with setting up your holiday marketing plan: #1 Use iCal or Google Calendar to select the holidays you'd like to celebrate and post a marketing campaign. You can also google holidays and go to sites that have listed every day of the month and what interesting celebrations are happening. Who knew there was Take Your Daughter to Work day coming up April 27th! Once you select your holidays then start working on finding photos to make the holidays. #2 Find photos to work with the holidays you've chosen to market. There are many sites that offer free photos to use. I love, but there are others, like unsplash,,,, etc. You can decide what photos based on your theme but also look at how many times the photo has been downloaded or other stats that some websites provide. It can impact your traffic by the better image quality and reviews. #3 Create a list of your favorite quotes or find a website that has some amazing quotes that you can redesign and use on your images. Goodreads Quotes Brainy Quotes Values Quotes Pinterest Quotes #4 Find Fonts that you Love and use those throughout your posts that you create. Fonts 1001FreeFonts Google Fonts #5 Be consistent in your Image design and text layout
Once you start to develop the look and feel of your holiday design and are consistent your followers will begin recognizing you amongst the massive level of posts that happen around holidays. If my image is always soft and feminine or bold and beautiful then my market that I'm trying to find would be more female than male. If I posted more mountain photos or outdoor adventure images then my fans would start to find me if they are the outdoor adventure type. You can also type in those keywords when you are looking for images and fonts. I hope this helps in your holiday marketing plans! Wishing you much success and a Happy Easter! xo, Nicole Flothe @trackthetime
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September 2020